
Sharing the history of IMSSA

Tokiso’s archive of IMSSA artefacts is made public to encourage the universal commemoration of the role IMSSA played in forging dispute resolution in South Africa.

In 1981, several trade union officials and industrial relations practitioners met to discuss a different approach to relationships in the industrial sphere, using mediation as a basis to resolve disputes. At the time, a government institution could not lead this. From these discussions, the Independent Mediation Service of South Africa (IMSSA) was borne.

IMSSA was committed to the effective resolution of industrial and community disputes. For 15 years, IMSSA had a material impact in a society marked by conflict in the economic, political and social spheres in the 1980s and 1990s.

IMSSA was the founder of a sophisticated, independent and credible dispute resolution industry in South Africa.

The purpose of this initiative is to share a piece of history that demonstrates what South Africans can do to change the course of history through conversation, engagement, and commitment. IMSSA achieved this. And we believe that this experience must be shared to remind us of this.

Tokiso’s archive of IMSSA artefacts is made public to encourage the universal commemoration of the role IMSSA played in forging dispute resolution in South Africa.
From Tokiso Panellist, Ben Magwayi Mabena, about the IMSSA Artefact Initiative: “Excellent piece of work. These should always be cherished and remain a reminder of the history of our country’s employee relations system and visionaries that contributed to its Constitutional democracy. I was personally trained by Imssa as a part-time Commissioner in 1995, in Honeydew by Charles Nupen and Tefo Raditapole.”

We believe there is more IMSSA material amongst previous panellists, employees, trustees, clients, and friends of IMSSA. Please share this with us so that we can make it available on this site. This can be in the form of documents, photos, videos, even voice notes of your memories. We will attribute to you what you share.

We welcome any suggestions on how we can share the history of IMSSA.

For more information, contact Tanya Venter at or 011 853 6300.

Updated 18 February 2022